QS The Impact of the Coronavirus on Global Higher Education | 282 Downloads |
ONU La educación durante la COVID 19 y después de ella | 1579 Downloads |
Marmolejo Campus Milenio 2020 Debemos Reimaginar La Educacion Superior | 257 Downloads |
Economist Intelligence Unit 2020 | 277 Downloads |
Mackinzie Coronavirus and the campus How can US higher education organize to respond | 290 Downloads |
Covid-19 Report EAIE International Higher Education in Europe | 271 Downloads |
Chronicle of Higher Education 2021 The Trends Report Interactive R1 | 537 Downloads |
IESALC – Informe COVID-19 y educación superior. De los efectos inmediatos al día después. Análisis de impactos, respuestas políticas y recomendaciones | 456 Downloads |
Links reportes de Organismos internacionales:
- Times Higher Education, 2020. Covid-19 could be a curse for graduates but a boon for universities
- ICEF Monitor, 2020. Measuring COVID-19´s impact on higher education
- IESALC, 2020. Acciones de las universidades ante el COVID-19
- IESALC, 2020. Impacto de la crisis del coronavirus COVID-19 en las IES
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